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ESF (Ski School) Class Guide

The information below is a guide for parents who are unsure which level their young skiers have already attained.

It should be noted that the recommended minimum age for ski classes is there as a guide for children’s safety and well-being. Please also note on occasion the more advanced lessons may not run if there are insufficient children for these classes.

We do not offer snowboard lessons in France as lesson timings do not fit in with our childcare clubs.

When informing us of your children’s ski levels please let us know the level they are aiming to achieve this year.

ESF Class: Piou-Piou

Ski level: Children aged 4 who have never skied before.

What you’ll do by the end of the week: Learn to Move on flat ground and slide facing the slope. Learn to descend the slope by doing the snowplow with my skis. Learning to plow turns, left and right. Use their first Ski Lifts.

Ski School Helper Participation: Yes

ESF Class: Ourson

Ski level:  Children who have already skied at Club Piou-Piou, or are just discovering skiing at any age.

What you’ll do by the end of the week:

  • A snaking line of snowplough turns
  • Be able to complete an easy Nordic type course.
  • Slide with the skis parallel, facing the slope, and stop with a snowplow turn.
  • Be able to follow your parents on green slopes

Ski School Helper Participation: Yes

ESF Class: Flocon

Ski level: This class is for children who have already done their Ourson badge or children who can perform basic snowplough turns

What you’ll do by the end of the week:

  • Knit 7 to 8 turns with the skis in snowplough and put their skis parallel to go down the slope.
  • Descend across the slope, in a more or less straight line.
  • Stay balanced on their skis while doing small jumps, or skiing from one foot to the other, or even over a small bump.

Ski School Helper: Participation: Occasionally

ESF Class: 1ère Etoile (1 star)

Ski level: Children who have their Flocon badge or children who can already snowplough turn and traverse on a green/blue piste.

What you’ll do by the end of the week:

  • Glide on light to medium slopes and keep balance.
  • Descend in a straight line on a slight slope and take small steps to turn.
  • Make several simple turns by skidding (rounded or slanted), and of course by paying attention to what is happening around them (other skiers, the terrain of the slopes).

Ski School Helper Participation: No

ESF Class: 2ème Etoile (2 star)

Ski level: This is the class for children who have their 1 star badge or children who can snowplough turn on blue runs and are starting to parallel turn.

What you’ll do by the end of the week:

  • Go through hollow or bumpy passages, facing downhill or across, while remaining balanced.
  • Take the skater’s step, that is, advance on a flat track by pushing on the left leg then on the right leg.
  • Knit together around ten turns on a blue slope, with parallel skis.
  • Knowing how to take turns with a rounded skid.

Ski School Helper Participation: No

ESF Class: 3ème Etoile (3 star)

Ski level: This is for children who have their 2 star badge or children who are perfecting parallel turns and learning basics of slalom skiing.

What you’ll do by the end of the week:

  • Knit together several more wider turns between poles, with parallel skis.
  • Master their balance in a schuss (going straight down the slope) on several types of terrain: like bumps and hollows.
  • Gain speed then brake by skidding.
  • Make parallel quick slides of skids on the side, interspersed with direct descents.

Ski School Helper Participation: No

ESF Class: TEAM ETOILE – Team Star – Previously Bronze or Gold star

Previously split into Bronze and Gold, these are now one group “Team Star” that are split into 3 levels in resort based on skill (bronze, silver and gold)

Ski level: Children should have their 3 Star badge, be able to link parallel turns, perform slalom turns on steep slopes; do small jumps and ski any terrain.=

Children in Bronze Silver or Gold classes may be taught together but can still be tested for different badges at the end of the week.

Ski School Helper Participation: No